4 guidelines to reach a higher conversion rate

Dec 21, 2018

Nowadays, internet users use their mobiles as a mean to connect to the digital world. In fact, more than 50% of the web activity is mainly through mobile devices so it would be a waste to not take advantage of this new trend and assess a mobile website in order to reach this growing community of mobile users. The mobile community need an easier and clearer page design where everything is easy to notice and reach. In this article, we will define for you the best 4 characteristics to be implemented to your mobile website version which will assist you to reach a higher audience and have a higher conversion rate.

The header is the first thing that the visitors of your platform are noticing so it might be the best area to position your ad. However, the header should have a great headline which needs to be useful and informative to the user but also showing the unique aspect of the offer while creating a sense of urgency and desire that will encourage the visitor to click on it and discover this new special offer. It is better to use the header to position the promotion of certain campaign since the popups mainly annoy and bother the visitors and might encourage them to leave the website instead of clicking on the ad. Indeed, if you want to establish a popup page it would be better if it is initiated by the customer first. For example, if there was a download or a register post for the visitor to click on it, the popup will be initiated by the visitor and then encourage him or her to pay attention to the ad campaign and might register which will retain a new conversion. It also possible to implement two steps opt in campaign since you will be using the Zeigarnik effect – meaning that people who start a procedure are more apt to finish it – which will help you gather data on your website visitors and understand more your target market in order to reach them reach them easily after.

Mobile content industry is growing fast and developing each day. In order to keep track of this expanding market, having mobile first mind set is essential in order to be able compete with the competition and have a high rate of leads and conversion.

Source: Balkhi, S. (2017, December 07). 4 Tips for Creating Mobile-First Content That Converts.